Saturday, June 30, 2007
E. J. Dionne
Objective? No way!
That's apparently what reporters and editors are told when they go to work for the LAT. How else could anyone explain the piece in today's paper by David Savage (aka The Hatchetman) and Carol Williams?
The piece is near total speculation, expressing the liberal dream that Guantanamo be closed and the prisoners there be given the same rights as criminal defendants in the U.S. The only news in the piece was that the Supreme Court will hear a consolidated case involving prisoners in its next term. The reporters offer no balance, quote no opposing views. The editors apparently thought that was OK. What's more, the editors apparently thought this story more important than the London bombing story, for this story was at the top right of the front page with a big headline while the London bombing story was lower and had a smaller caption.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Lexington on gays
The Economist evaluates Congress
O. C. Register gets it right
Chemerinsky has a cow
LAT: The Constitution is simplistic
LAT blames Bush for immigration failure
The Court and the schools
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Losing Lebanon
Immigration negotiations
Reid is a divider not a uniter and his behavior is high handed. He alienates people and makes negotiations more difficult. He'll most likely blame everyone but himself when he speaks to the press after the bill fails today.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Access to police records
Supreme Court decisions
Monday, June 25, 2007
LAT praises congressional Dems
Richter, Levey and rumors
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Steven Greenhut
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Hatchetman is back
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Stem cells
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
LAT weeps for Gaza
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Immigration: A second chance
Friday, June 15, 2007
WaPo: Palestinian mess is Bush's fault
Democracy isn't dead
Harry and Noam
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
LAT: Close Guantanamo
Next, the LAT argues that the problem is that detainees don't have habeas corpus rights. But even if they did, the LAT argues, "reflexive distrust of historic protections" would continue to "erode America's international standing." So, it's not so much a habeas corpus problem as it is a distrust problem. Some foreigners don't trust America so Guantanamo should be closed.
Finally, the LAT argues that "terrorist suspects," even high value ones, should be tried in ordinary federal courts. From this it follows that in WWII, Japanese and German prisoners of war should have been tried in federal district court, charged with ... what? Therefore, Guantanamo should be closed.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
LAT says U.N. can help
Congressional approval ratings
LAT investigates
Monday, June 11, 2007
LAT: Dems have advantage on 2008 issues
Maybe, but Democrats have lost repeatedly using these issues. Americans have never voted for tax increases in national elections. Hillarycare was defeated with ease. And while the elite may consider gays under-privileged, it' s a reasonable bet that most Americans don't.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
No time for immigration
Steyn on immigration
Sensible immigration editorial
$150,000 wine tasting
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Gays in the military
If a person is doing his or her job, whatever that job might be, that person's personal life is his or her own business. No one needs to know and ordinarily has no interest in knowing whether that person is gay or straight. Ordinarily, a straight does not tap another straight on the shoulder to say: "I'm straight." If a gay taps a straight on the shoulder to announce his or her gayness it's insulting. The straight's urge is to say: "Keep it to yourself. I'm not interested." Why do gays and those who support gays insist that gays should publicize their gayness? Surely it's to proselytize.