Thursday, January 31, 2008
Obama oratory
LAT tries to resurrect looney healthcare plan
Marines work to save sick child
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
LAT on earmarks
LAT's two themes
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Lexington disappointed with Bill
LAT not good with figures
Today, the LAT argues that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will cost $3 trillion. Further, the LAT suggests that the economy would be in the tank already if it were not for the pump-priming effect of military spending since 2003. This, of course, is not more reliable than the $7 a day was.
LAT v Bush
Monday, January 28, 2008
Happy day! Governator health care defeated
LAT promotes government health care
What this plan is all about is force. It forces nearly everyone to do something they probably wouldn't do if they weren't forced. And it will cost $14 billion annually or more. If you like government, if you like force, you'll like this plan.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
LAT against the Navy
Naturally, the LAT sides with the environmentalists. No surprise, the judge does too. (Left coast judges are not always unbiased.) No surprise, the LAT opposes President Bush and the military.
Christian communal living
Friday, January 25, 2008
Senate Dems attack EPA head
Recession expectations
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Petruno appears
LAT favors "feebates"
LAT betting on failure
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
LAT on stimulus
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
LAT loses another editor
The LAT's future is not promising unless it gets a blood transfusion. Trouble-makers and muckrakers in the newsroom and on the editorial staff ought to be replaced by people whose only agenda is to do excellent work and get paid for it. Such people will not be hired if trouble-makers and muckrakers do the interviews.
On the other hand
LAT against abortion?
LAT ghouls make the front page
Monday, January 21, 2008
LAT on Bush foreign policy
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Living on $7 a day, redux
In defending his claim, Johnston first said that he had provided specific guidance on how he arrived at his assertion. He said he calculated the figures from IRS tables and Tax Foundation tables. He neither identified which tables he used (both IRS and Tax Foundation have published many tables) nor which specific figures he pulled from those tables. He says he used a formula and further says he provided the formula to readers of his comments. But nothing in his comments could properly be called a formula, presuming that to mean something like an equation.
Next, Johnston said that reporters (like himself, presumably) take great care with facts, although they are not perfect (and presumably sometimes make mistakes.) This seems a recognition that Johnston was mistaken in claiming 60 million Americans live on $7 a day.
Then he suggested that his claim is unimportant because it appeared in the 15th paragraph of his November 28, 2006 piece, published by the NYT. But others have relied on his claim and published it as fact. The LAT stated it as fact in a December editorial. When two of America's supposedly leading newspapers publish bogus "facts" it's important.
So far, apparently no one has been able to replicate Johnston's calculations despite his "guidance." If they can't be replicated then they deserve no credence.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Lexington's one-track mind
Lexington says two "Bush presidents in a row have gone to war with the same oil-rich country." Isn't "in a row" redundant? There have only been two Bush presidents.
Finally, according to Lexington, President Bush (George Junior to Lexington though GWB isn't a junior) "smirked at the problem of global warming ." When and where, Lexington doesn't say. And who says global warning is a problem? Gore and Lexington? The "problem" needs more credible representation than these two.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
LAT: Surge success "apparent"
LAT: CIA tapes showed waterboarding
How does he know? Did he see the tapes before they were destroyed? Did someone tell him that, and if so, why doesn't he say who it was?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Dow drops, Petruno returns
David Cay Johnston responds
This should be easy. Johnston has only to be specific if he wants to be believed. So far he has not been.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Living on $7 a day
Johnston responded to Jacobsen's post on the Pajamasmedia website, arguing that the figures he cited came directly from tables published by IRS, available on their website. He also cited tables prepared by Tax Foundation based on those IRS tables.
The trouble with Johnston's response is that the figures he cites in his response and in his 2006 NYT piece do not correspond to any figures appearing in the IRS or Tax Foundation tables. If he isn't merely blowing smoke, he should be able to specifically identify where in the tables his figures came from. Instead, he merely says we can look it up for ourselves. Well, this old fool has and the figures do not match. It's incumbent on Johnston, if he wants us to believe him, to specifically tell us how he got to his statistic.
Obviously, the NYT and the LAT should have insisted on that before they published the statistic.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The bubble-prone economy
And, Gosselin has a theory: that the U.S. has a bubble-prone economy, apparently because we had a tech bubble in the late 1990s and a housing bubble in 2005-2007. Twice in two decades doesn't seem a pattern yet. And what if it is? What should be done about it? By whom? Gosselin has a solution: more government intervention. His solution will be more painful than the disease. You expect more from a supposed expert like Gosselin.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Lexington bashes Bush
There's nothing new in Lexington's words. The opinions expressed are sort of pundit dogma, mainstream pablum. History may be kinder to GWB than Lexington and those sharing Lexington's views. We'll see.
Rutten writes on Agee
There is nothing good about torture but not everything unpleasant or disappointing is torture. Rutten says the CIA has tortured and he apparently knows it when he sees it. Chances are, he has never seen torture and has no direct knowledge that the CIA has tortured.
Bush's visit to Middle East
LAT aflutter over BofA move
Friday, January 11, 2008
LAT badmouths the economy
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The economist says Bush may leave office a broken man
It's probably true that Bush will concentrate on foreign policy. Whether he will accomplish anything remains to be seen. Bush will not be powerless so long as he has veto power, which is granted to him by the Constitution.
Who writes this stuff for The Economist? What are his or her qualifications for predicting such things?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
LAT jumps the gun with Hill
Monday, January 7, 2008
McGovern at 85
The writings are of a bitter old man who has always had poor judgment. The newspaper must have thought it would sell newspapers.
LAT covers Dem NH race
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Petruno emerges
Gosselin on the economy
Friday, January 4, 2008
Huffington on Iowa results
But those years were not regrettable because of anything George W. Bush did or didn't do, as Huffington may have been suggesting. Instead, they were regrettable because of a sort of soft rebellion orchestrated by the Democratic party and its sympathizers, who have always felt that they were cheated in Florida in the 2000 election and that George W. Bush is an illegitimate president.
Iowa reporting
The tapes investigation
On the editorial page, LAT editors recommend to Congressional committees that they not call as witnesses people who may testify in future criminal cases, so as not to gum up the works. Good advice. Congress ought to wait until the criminal investigation is finished. It shouldn't take long. We already know who ordered the destruction of the tapes.
Washington loves investigations and this is like most of the others: a waste of time and money. This one ought to be finished fast so as to consume as little as possible of those valuable resources. But it probably won't.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Edwards solves economic problems
LAT: Experts on Pakistan
At long distance from an office in downtown L.A., LAT editors are experts on Pakistan, able to analyze events there and prescribe solutions, all while accepting no responsibility if their analysis turns out wrong and their solutions don't work. Better to have a little humility. Pakistan is complicated and probably only Pakistanis understand the situation, if anybody does.
Wishful thinking
The Dems have three leading candidates in a virtual tie in Iowa while the GOP has two. Which party is fractured? Is more likely to lie down with Democrat free-traders than social conservatives are with economic conservatives? Either both parties are fractured or neither is.
The reporters say the party that chooses its presidential nominee first has the advantage. Both parties are likely to have named their nominee by early spring. Is a few weeks or a month likely to make a difference?