Saturday, June 30, 2007

Objective? No way!

Leave your objectivity at the door. We don't want no balance in the LAT.

That's apparently what reporters and editors are told when they go to work for the LAT. How else could anyone explain the piece in today's paper by David Savage (aka The Hatchetman) and Carol Williams?

The piece is near total speculation, expressing the liberal dream that Guantanamo be closed and the prisoners there be given the same rights as criminal defendants in the U.S. The only news in the piece was that the Supreme Court will hear a consolidated case involving prisoners in its next term. The reporters offer no balance, quote no opposing views. The editors apparently thought that was OK. What's more, the editors apparently thought this story more important than the London bombing story, for this story was at the top right of the front page with a big headline while the London bombing story was lower and had a smaller caption.

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