Friday, July 6, 2007

Dionne on Libby commutation

WaPo columnist E. J. Dionne, in his latest column, says he's enraged over President Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence. Among the things that enrages him, he says, is that Bush didn't follow standard procedure and run the question through the Justice Department's pardon office. But that puts procedure ahead of principle and Libby was in danger if immediate incarceration. Judges could have given Libby more time, and that would have given Bush more time to follow procedure, but they declined to. Therefore, Bush had to make the call.

Anyhow, Bush made the right call. Following procedure might have changed the timing but not the result. Dionne seems to become enraged about everything he doesn't agree with. Just the other day he was enraged about the Supreme Court's decision in the schools case. Dionne needs to take a pill.

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