Friday, November 30, 2007

You Tube and presidential debates

CNN has a reputation to overcome. In recent years, it has demonstrated a leaning to the left. So it's no surprise that conservatives would question CNN's selection of questioners and questions for this week's Republican candidate debate.

Those who choose not to watch these debates -- because they are farce more than serious debating -- rely mainly on descriptions of the debates supplied by media outlets like the LAT, WaPo, WSJ, Fox News, Lehrer's NewsHour, etc. Therefore, these non-watchers lack first hand knowledge of questions and questioners. However, from the descriptions provided it seems clear that video questioners are selected based on how ridiculous they appear. You must munch on a corn cob or do something similarly stupid to get selected as a questioner, it seems. Given that, it's hard to get excited about whether the questions and questioners are biased, which they clearly are

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