Friday, January 18, 2008

Lexington's one-track mind

This week, The Economist's Lexington column takes more swipes at Bush, Cheney, et al, while offering backhanded praise to snake oil salesman Al Gore. It seems an irresistible impulse: Lexington can't write a piece without trashing Bushies. While writing about oil, Lexington departs from the subject to attack Dick Cheney, offering the typically liberal observation that Cheney "subcontracted America's energy policy to his pals in the energy business and then fought like a demon to keep proceedings secret." If memory serves, Cheney was vindicated in a court of law.

Lexington says two "Bush presidents in a row have gone to war with the same oil-rich country." Isn't "in a row" redundant? There have only been two Bush presidents.

Finally, according to Lexington, President Bush (George Junior to Lexington though GWB isn't a junior) "smirked at the problem of global warming ." When and where, Lexington doesn't say. And who says global warning is a problem? Gore and Lexington? The "problem" needs more credible representation than these two.

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