Monday, June 23, 2008

LAT: Stop the drilling

The LAT argued on the editorial page Saturday that whatever oil is recovered in 2008 by offshore drilling can't reach consumers' gas tanks until 2030. It then accuses George Bush of misrepresenting facts.

The LAT next argues that drilling offshore causes oil spills (because it happened in 1969), adversely affecting tourism, fishing, small businesses and coastal dwellers.

If that isn't convincing, the LAT then says California's beaches could wind up like Texas beaches, where tar balls and oil drums litter. Which Texas beaches? The LAT doesn't say. Have the editorial writers been to Texas beaches? How do the kids on spring break who flock to Texas beaches deal with the oil drums and tar balls? Where do those oil drums come from? Surely the LAT isn't suggesting that oil companies send their oil ashore using 55 gallon drums rather than through pipelines.

Finally, the LAT says that drilling releases "a host of toxic chemicals," causing high levels of mercury in fish. This editorial is chock full of well-founded facts.

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