Tuesday, July 22, 2008

V-day all around

That's the title of today's LAT editorial on Iraq, which argues for a "phased withdrawal" from Iraq "under at least a vague timetable." There they go again with that word: "timetable."

The left-winger argument for getting out of Iraq immediately has always been irrational. Obama couldn't defend it so he changed it to 16 months, hoping to make it seem rational. It's more rational now but still not entirely rational because it ignores that unforseen events may intervene and make following the plan dangerous. A withdrawal plan that is not flexible and does not take into account the possibility of unforseen events is not a practical plan.

Victory in Iraq now seems nearly certain. The Iraqis seem nearly able to govern and defend themselves. If progress continues, the probability that conditions will reverse becomes less and less likely. As that probability declines, our troops should be sent home -- gradually. If most forces are out in 16 months, wonderful. If they are able to come home sooner, more wonderful. If a slower withdrawal is necessary because of events in Iraq then so be it. Nobody can know now exactly how long troop withdrawal will take but everyone should be able to agree that it should happen as fast as is reasonably possible.

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