Wednesday, December 24, 2008

LAT suffers from Bush hatred syndrome

In an editorial today, the LAT rehashes several complaints it has about the Bush administration, which it calls lawless. The LAT argues that attempting prosecution of people like Cheney and Rumsfeld would be wrong and pointless. The LAT, in other words, is taking the high road, unlike some on the left. That's the claim, at least.

But the supposed crimes and excesses of the Bush administration are a crock. Nothing the LAT describes is either criminal or unethical. Left-wingers, including LAT editors, have hated Bush for 8 years. They've said he is an an illegitimate president, that he wasn't elected but appointed -- by the Supreme Court. They can't get over their failure to steal the 2000 election. To these left-wingers, Bush can do nothing right, which is a symptom of their sickness.

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