Friday, September 18, 2009

Time Out

Having lost some of the old fire, this old fool took a little time off, but now intends to resume posts, not daily but perhaps once or twice a week. We'll see how it goes.

Meanwhile, little has changed. Obama, after a vacation, is back on television daily. It doesn't seem to help his popularity but it doesn't appear to hurt much either. Maybe people just tune him out.

Pelosi is on television nearly as often as Obama, and her remarks are as idiotic as ever. Her latest: she's concerned that someone will murder a gay San Francisco politician, as happened in the late 1970s. Wait! Maybe that's not what concerns her but isn't it her responsibility to make her concerns clear? Let's cut her some slack, though. She was bawling when she announced her concerns. Probably couldn't help herself. Is there no Democrat in the House who would make a more competent Speaker? If there is, why isn't that person Speaker?

Harry Reid isn't any better than he used to be. Actually, he's a laughing stock but a dangerous one. He's behind in the polls for re-election. Maybe Nevadans will solve our national problem by dumping Harry Reid. That's this old fool's fond hope, anyhow.

Then there's the Bozo who speaks for Obama before the press daily. And Ram-it-through Rahm. And a thousand czars -- well, thirty or so -- all unconfirmed. Are any better choices than Van Jones was? By the way, what does a green jobs czar actually do?

Why is Obama angry at the American people? He isn't? He appeared angry during his non-SOU speech to a joint session of Congress. Can't remember the exact words but he seemed to say that none of us is sincere when we oppose his policies and none of us is very smart, otherwise we'd do what he tells us to do.

Poor Joe Wilson, Republican Congressman from South Carolina. His party leaders forced him to take one for the team and apologize to Obama, who really did lie about health care for illegals and lots of other things. Joe got even though, by filling his re-election coffers with money, lots of it. Good for Joe.

Obama lies almost daily. You'd need a truth squad to counter all his lies. His biggest lie: We must reform health care to save money. Then we learn from the CBO that Obama's reform will cost $1 trillion in the first 10 years and more after that.

Another lie: We need a government plan to increase competition. Come again?

More later.

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