Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bartiromo interviews Pelosi

Just watched Bartiromo's interview of Nancy Pelosi, who is at least loony.

Pelosi claimed that when the Bush tax cuts expire there will not be a tax increase. According to Pelosi, the people who got those tax cuts weren't entitled to them and besides the deficit increased because of them so a return to the tax rates that existed before the tax cuts will not be a tax increase but rather a mere resumption of the old rates. Taxes will increase but that is not a tax increase according to Pelosi-speak.

Bartiromo asked about a VAT. Pelosi denied that she had brought up the subject but spoke favorably about a VAT as part of a review and re-construction of the tax code, this to make the U. S. more competitive.

Likewise, cap and trade and health care reform will make the U. S. more competitive, according to Pelosi. These are necessary changes to make us more competitive, Pelosi says. U. S. businesses can't compete because of health care costs, according to Pelosi, which is why health care reform is necessary. In Pelosi-speak, therefore, spending more on health care will reduce the cost of health care and make American businesses more competitive.

TARP was a dog, according to Pelosi, but "we" had to do it. The $787 billion stimulus has kept the economy from getting worse. The stimulus is just kicking in so the economy should be improving, according to Pelosi. Cap and trade and health care reform are designed as "jobs" bills, which is why they're necessary, Pelosi says.

Pelosi isn't concerned about polls, she says. Congress has always rated low in polling but individual members do well in polls, which is why she isn't concerned.

Polls show that the American people support a public option and love health care reform and hate Republicans so Democrats need to keep doing what they're doing and they'll do well in November 2010. That's how Pelosi sees it, anyhow.

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