Thursday, July 19, 2007

LAT headline: Bush gets a breather on Iraq

The headline refers to Harry Reid's failed attempt to cut off debate on a measure that would have required that U.S. troops begin withdrawing from Iraq within 120 days and complete withdrawal by April 30, 2008.

The author of the piece, reporter Noam Levey, portrayed the loss as a victory, quoting Reid as saying, "We kind of put them to the test today." Levey suggested that Reid's decision to pull the defense appropriation bill from the Senate floor was a masterstroke. He wrote, "Reid's maneuver prevented them [Republicans] from voting on measures that would have simply advised the president to change his strategy." Levey went on to say, "Now, GOP lawmakers may go home for the August recess to face their constituents after voting against a measure that would have compelled Bush to start bringing the unpopular war to an end."

So, Bush got a breather, Republican Senators lost when they won and Dems won when they lost.

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