Monday, October 15, 2007

LAT on unlawful combatants

LAT reporter Julian Barnes writes today that Blackwater and other civilian security firms operating in Iraq may be considered unlawful combatants under international law, the same as suicide bombers, roadside bombers and snipers. The issue is unresolved according to an anonymous official within the Defense Department, the LAT says.

Practically speaking, there is an enormous difference between a man or several men (or women) engaged in protecting a State Department official and a roadside or suicide bomber. But there can be no doubt that someone will argue that they are the same. Such an argument shouldn't be allowed to carry the day.

And, the LAT shouldn't quote an anonymous official except in unusual circumstances. In this case, the anonymous official likely has a motive for speaking with a LAT reporter. Likely, that motive isn't a positive one.

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