Thursday, January 29, 2009

What stimulus?

The House passed the so-called "stimulus" package yesterday without a single Republican vote. Thirteen Democrats deserted their party. Judging from what is being written or said, by people such as Martin Feldstein and George Will among others, the package is in trouble.

Rightly so. Nancy Pelosi and her aides cooked up the "stimulus" package with some help from Obama people. No hearings were held, no outsider input was allowed. Arrogance ruled.

After observing Pelosi since the 2006 election, you have to begin to wonder about her IQ. Much of the stuff she has produced has been idiotic, like repetitive attempts to torpedo the Iraq war and now this "stimulus" package. (And who can forget her visit to Damascus to engage in a photo-op with Syria's dictator in a skirt that revealed her upper thigh.) Did she really think the "stimulus" package, which has only a little stimulus and mostly consists of spending only a left-wing Democrat could love, would pass muster? If she did, she's dumber than dirt.

Not that Harry Reid is much smarter.

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