Friday, September 14, 2007


UCI Chancellor Michael V. Drake was right to un-hire left-wing law professor Erwin Chemerinsky after he was wrong to hire him in the first place. Chemerinsky would have been a lightning rod at UCI as a law school dean as he has become a lightning rod since the un-hiring.

Chemerinsky displayed a lack of maturity in posting a scathing attack on Alberto Gonzales in an opinion piece while he was being consider by UCI or after he had been hired. Gonzales was already dead meat. Chemerinsky didn't need to pile on. He didn't add to the debate. So why did he post the piece? Could be he's addicted to politics. Maybe he likes his name in print. Whatever the reason, it was inappropriate and immature for a prospective dean. A more serious piece on the constitution, his specialty, or law schools or a court case might have been alright.

The left-wing faculty and students at UCI, of which there are many, are demanding that Chemerinsky be re-hired. They may get their way but it would be a mistake. Better for UCI and the new law school to hire someone of stature who is non-controversial and pray that the rabble rousers get tired and go away. If they don't, it may be necessary to forget the law school for awhile.

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