Wednesday, September 26, 2007

LAT on Bush, et al, at the U. N.

In today's editorial, the LAT takes on President Bush's speech at the U. N. yesterday, saying the U.S. "must not only articulate but implement a global anti-poverty, anti-warming policy that compels the respect and admiration of its intended beneficiaries." Let's assume the LAT is not just cranky but really has some ideas about how to make the world better. What do they have in mind? Give money to third world countries? We already do that. Provide technical assistance? We already do that. Trade with them? We do that already. Protect them from aggressors? We've done that. Make everyone love us? That's not within our power.

Someone said recently that the U.S. has contributed more in blood and treasure to the countries of the world than any other nation in history. It's never enough. People forget. They're ungrateful. It's human nature. But the LAT editors should know better.

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