Saturday, February 9, 2008

Brooks on torture

David Brooks appeared on PBS's NewsHour last night, as he does most Friday nights. He was asked about Republicans generally, conservatives, McCain, Huckabee and waterboarding. On every issue he appeared a conservative light. On waterboarding, he essentially ridiculed the administration and took special aim at the vice president. He said that without Cheney, the Bush administration's position on waterboarding would be much clearer.

The liberal, moderate and conservative light position on waterboarding is irrational, or it's political, or both. Waterboarding is rarely used and then only in special circumstances. It does no bodily harm, merely frightens. Thousands of our own military and intelligence people have been waterboarded in training, apparently without permanent damage to minds or bodies. If waterboarding is torture then every effective method of persuasion is, including bright lights, loud or obnoxious music, high or low temperatures and isolation.

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