Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Disillusioned young people

The LAT's Stephanie Simon, who has produced some good work recently in this old fool's opinion, writes today about how cynical today's college students are about the future of our country. They say government is "lost" and doesn't listen, she says. If the young people she interviewed are representative, their points of view say more about the education they're getting than about America. Judging from Simon's reporting, college students appear as brainwashed zombies, uttering the same nonsense they've been programed to replay. Besides that, they're not too hot on geography, history and so forth, judging from Jay Leno's Jaywalking.

One of Simon's interviewees said she was moving to Italy after graduating from college and never coming back. That's good if she likes old churches, museums, statues and such. It's also good if she likes riding motor scooters. But Italy's government is a laughing stock compared to America's. Italy's economy isn't that great either.

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