Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bush hatred colors LAT's judgment

A LAT editorial today properly argues that the new sanctions on Iran just passed by the U.N. Security Council will help dissuade Iran from continuing its enrichment activities. Then it argues that the Bush administration should get no credit because the U.S. didn't sponsor the Security Council resolution and besides the administration may overreact and behave in such a way that Iran may claim it's a victim of the Great Satan (something Iran will claim in any event.) Besides, the LAT says, Bush is now so weak that other Security Council members no longer fear him, as if they ever did. Now, if Bush would stop threatening Iran, the LAT says, all the other countries of the world would form a peace pact with Iran that would solve the world's problems and Ahmadenijad would turn to writing poetry and Iran's mullahs would invite the pope to say mass on a soccer field in Tehran. OK, the LAT didn't mention a peace pact, poetry or the pope. It did suggest that everything is Bush's fault, a recurring theme.

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