Saturday, March 1, 2008

LAT scoops itself

The LAT finally reports today on something it has known for two weeks or more, which is that there are sufficient votes in the House to pass the legislation that renews the Protect America Act but that Nancy Pelosi has blocked consideration of the legislation. The Speaker is blocking legislation that otherwise would already have passed and would now be law. There can only be one explanation, which is that Pelosi is protecting trial lawyers who hope to reap a bonanza suing telecoms for cooperating with the Bush administration in the terrorist surveillance program. To Pelosi, trial lawyers must be more important than protecting Americans from terrorists.

The LAT, which claims to have high standards, has shielded Pelosi from criticism by failing to report the news fully and accurately. Today, the LAT buried the news it must have felt it could no longer sit on. It's buried in a piece by Greg Miller on page A14.

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