Friday, October 3, 2008

Lexington holds Bush responsible -- for everything

Lexington of The Economist writes this week that President Bush is responsible for nearly everything Lexington hasn't liked in the last 8 years. Bush's approval rating is in the mid to high 20s but the Democrat Congress's is lower, near 10 percent.

Bush is partisan, Lexington says. Implicitly, Lexington argues that Reid and Pelosi and their spear carriers are bi-partisan. The invasion of of Iraq destroyed the bi-partisan unity of September 11th, says Lexington. But Congress authorized the Iraq adventure.

Bush was damned when 133 Republicans voted against the bailout plan, Lexington says. But 95 Democrats voted against it too. That's probably Bush's fault.

Bush couldn't get a Social Security fix through Congress. Lexington argues it's Bush's fault that Democrats opposed him. Same with immigration. Clinton would have done better, Lexington argues. 

Democrats have opposed Bush on nearly everything for his entire presidency. The reason: They've always thought he stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. They see that as rational, though it really is irrational. Bush won that election fair and square but Democrats will never accept it. They believe that Bush is an illegitimate president and for that reason refuse to cooperate with him.

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