Friday, October 3, 2008

Is LAT columnist James Rainey a "real journalist?"

LAT columnist James Rainey is making a habit of rants, this time concerning PBS's Gwen Ifill who hosted last night's vice presidential debate. Ifill "reached a high standard for reason, fairness and class," according to Rainey. "What the critics who set out to pillory Ifill failed to acknowledge -- because it did not suite their political aims -- was that real journalists, who doubtless have biases, can and will put them aside to do their jobs."

Well, yes, Ifill did just fine, as she usually does on television. She is less likely to reveal her bias than most liberal media personalities -- like Chris Matthews for example. Still, she is what she is and it is proper to ask why someone else could not have been chosen to moderate the debate. Ifill is, after all, writing a book the title of which includes the phrase "the Age of Obama." She says she hasn't written the "Obama section" yet but she surely has thought about it. There are other moderators, even some conservative ones. As for Ifill being pilloried, she was not being ridiculed or abused except perhaps by her most radical critics. Nearly everyone has those.

Is Rainey a "real journalist?" According to Rainey's own definition the answer must be no because Rainey apparently cannot put aside his biases and do his job. The aim of Rainey's column isn't clear from reading it but surely it's supposed to serve some other purpose than provide space for Rainey's rants.

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