Sunday, November 9, 2008

More gay demonstrations

According to today's LAT, gays demonstrated again last night in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento and Modesto. The LAT's front page has a picture of gays demonstrating in Silver Lake, a district within Los Angeles where a famous gay bar once was located. The picture shows gays carrying signs saying "Stop the Hate," "Separate but equal is never equal" and "I am a 2nd class citizen."

But gays themselves are exhibiting hatred by behaving in a vindictive way toward those who voted in favor of Proposition 8 and by trying to intimidate opponents. Demonstrating at Mormon temples, blocking traffic at intersections and destroying or damaging property are examples of hateful behavior. Hanging a political opponent in effigy isn't helpful either.  Gays, the ones who demonstrate, are behaving like hateful, vindictive people.

Most troubling is that gays can't seem to identify in a coherent way why they're demonstrating. Obviously, they're angry that Proposition 8 passed but that was about marriage. How does Proposition 8  relate to "separate but equal" or "2nd class citizen?" 

Gays insist that they're being denied rights. Specifically, what rights?

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