Thursday, November 6, 2008

Proposition 8

Gays protested passage of Proposition 8 in a demostration last night in West Los Angeles, a gay sanctuary. (This is the area where Sarah Palin was hanged in effigy.) Three lawsuits already have been filed attempting to overturn Proposition 8. They argue that Proposition 8 is a constitutional "revision" instead of an "amendment." A "revision" requires approval by the legislature before it is submitted to voters. Apparently, Proposition 8 wasn't approved by the legislature.

All this is according to the LAT, which opposed Proposition 8. In an editorial this morning, the LAT argued that the majority of voters must be nuts to vote for Proposition 8 but that gays eventually will win on the issue because all the opponents of gay "marriage" eventually will die off.

The LAT goes on to lament the injustice of the majority's decision. Gays are like blacks, the LAT argues. They're being discriminated against, which is pitiful.

The LAT fails to mention that in California, the only state where Proposition 8 has any effect, same-sex partners in domestic partnerships have the same rights as married individuals. The only difference is that same-sex partners can't say they're "married." Well, they can say anything they want -- the federal constitution guarantees them that. But under Proposition 8 they can't represent that they're married when filling out official documents like applications for draft cards or Social Security benefits. But even if Proposition 8 had not passed, gays in same-sex "marriages" would not have been able to do those things because federal law doesn't recognize same-sex "marriages." Under California law, there is nothing a married person can do that a same-sex partner can't do.

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