Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lexington on Lincoln

The Lexington column in the latest issue of The Economist argues that Democrats have as much right to claim Lincoln as Republicans, though Lexington doesn't dispute that Lincoln was a Republican.

Neither Democrats nor Republicans, Lexington argues, believe in meritocracy. Republicans cut tax rates and widen the gap between rich and poor, Lexington argues. Lexington seems to argues for egalitarianism -- equality of outcome, without regard to merit.

Democrats, Lexington argues, are wedded to affirmative action that judges people on their race rather than individual merit. Democrats are in the pocket of teachers' unions which have fought against introducing competition and standardized testing, Lexington writes. Further, Lexington writes, Democrats oppose vouchers that would allow poor students to attend good schools.

On the latter points, Lexington is correct. But Lexington's tendency is to agree more often with Democrats than Republicans. Lexington's discovery of meritocracy should lead him or her in the opposite direction.

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