Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trudy Rubin solves the Palestinian problem

In a column published in the Orange County Register over the weekend, syndicated columnist Trudy Rubin exploded five myths that she believes will prevent success in settling the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Her central thrust: the main impediment to peace is that Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank.

The settlements apparently caused Hamas to attack Israel with rockets. Rubin must at least believe that because she didn't mention rockets in her column. It's apparently not a problem for Rubin that Hamas refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist, though she doesn't mention that in her column. And Palestinians' insistence on a right of return apparently doesn't concern Rubin since she failed to mention that in her column.

If Obama will insist that Israel stop building settlements then peace can be had, Rubin seems to believe.

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