Sunday, March 29, 2009

Michelle Obama

According to Lexington, columnist at The Economist, Mrs. Obama ought to give some serious speeches on policy instead of working on or displaying her "perfectly toned" arms.

Lexington mentions the collapse of black families and the 60 percent out-of-wedlock birth rate among blacks, apparently suggesting these as issues Mrs. Obama could speak about. Lexington suggests that the causes of these are job losses, drugs, crime and family breakup.

All these are self-inflicted except one: job losses, and that may be self-inflicted too in some or most cases. (If you don't show up for work then you'll likely lose your job.)

If Mrs. Obama has solutions for the out-of-wedlock birth rate or the collapse of black families and chooses to speak about them, chances are her words will be well received. If she speaks instead on subjects or issues about which she has little or no knowledge -- like the economy or foreign policy -- then her words probably will fall on deaf ears.

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