Saturday, August 25, 2007

LAT supports Dem vote plan

The LAT, in an editorial today, opposes a Republican plan to split California's electoral college votes, calling it cynical. Under the plan, California's electoral college votes would be allocated to presidential candidates based on citizen voting in congressional districts. Electoral college votes for districts in Los Angeles and San Francisco would go to Democratic presidential candidates but votes for Orange County, perhaps San Diego County and most rural districts would go to Republican candidates. Under present rules, the winner of the popular vote in California takes all California's electoral college votes. Democrats want to do away with the electoral college or have all California's votes to go to the winner of the national popular vote.

Neither idea is helpful. You can't blame Republicans for wanting to change a system that renders their votes meaningless, but that applies to Democrats as well. Unfortunately, national elections are usually decided before California's polls close. Fortunately, there are few other disadvantages to living in California.

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