Monday, August 13, 2007

The NewsHour on Rove

According to David Gergen and Mark Halperin on The NewHour tonight, Karl Rove's main failing was that he was too partisan. Presumably, they mean to say Rove was more partisan than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, or John Kerry and John Edwards, or Bill and Hillary Clinton, or Teddy Kennedy. That Gergen and Halperin believe what they said makes you wonder about Gergen, Halperin and The NewsHour.

Halperin said President Bush is intimidating, which is curious. Gergen pointed out several of what he called mistakes, including the war in Iraq, Katrina and the appointment of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. The Miers appointment was an obvious mistake but Rove's part in it isn't known. Whether Rove had a part in the other "mistakes" isn't known either.

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