Thursday, November 20, 2008

LAT on Prop. 8 lawsuits

The LAT editorializes this morning on the Proposition 8 lawsuits. Of course, the LAT makes clear that it hopes the California Supreme Court will overturn Proposition 8 but it discusses the legal issues in a mostly balanced way.

This old fool obviously disagrees with the LAT on the merits of the issue and thinks the legal case for overturning the proposition is weak. One of the LAT's contentions that is particularly disagreeable is that gay "marriage" is a basic right. Since gays in civil unions have the same rights as married couples, it defies reason to suggest that gays are being denied a "basic right." Additionally, the LAT represents that Proposition 8 was hateful; it wasn't but the behavior of gay demonstrators since November 4th has been.

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