Friday, November 14, 2008

The silent majority remains silent

As gays demonstrate nightly in California and elsewhere over the passage of Proposition 8, the majority of Californians, those who voted for Proposition 8, remain mostly silent. As gays boycott stores and restaurants where they perceive they've been disrespected (by a contribution to the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign or in whatever other way), the majority of Californians remain docile and fail to respond. As California's governator expresses his hope that the California Supreme Court will declare Proposition 8 unconstitutional, the majority of Californians remain silent and passive. How long will the majority of Californians remain this way?

If the demonstrations and boycotts continue, at some point the majority will react, how and when one can only speculate. When they do react, will they react politically by punishing at the ballot box or will they react violently? Will the majority take to the streets with their own demonstrations? Will gays become targets? No one knows but a violent reaction is a risk that demonstrating gays should perhaps consider.

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