Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Right or wrong, LAT supports Obama

Obama made a forceful case for his agenda last night. Republicans need to get out of the way or face a long trip into political wilderness. That's the LAT's opinion, expressed in an editorial today. It's only an opinion, one the LAT may regret but never admit having.

Obama made clear last night his intention to take over nearly every important aspect of American life, except entertainment. Whether that was intentional or an oversight isn't known.

The government has a poor track record on most things it has taken over, leaving behind corruption, waste, ineptness, bloat, inefficiency and unmet goals. Obama has a poor track record from his first weeks in office, characterized by errors in selecting and investigating cabinet nominees, poor planning and execution of economic and financial undertakings, grossly excessive spending and a 15 percent drop in the stock market.

Obama's delivery last night was fine; what he said was scary.

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