Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Scolding the opposition

That's the headline on the Orange County Register's front page today. It's appropriate. Obama is a scold. Last night on television, he scolded people for not agreeing with him and for saying what they think. The debate is over, he keeps saying. He won the election and everybody ought to shut up and do what he wants because of it. It doesn't work that way.

Obama was elected president, not king. We have a bill of rights in this country that insures everyone has the right to think what they want and say what they think. The president doesn't have the right to tell people to shut up and he doesn't have the power to make them.

So far as the "stimulus" is concerned, it's still an abomination, designed by Nancy Pelosi and now amended several times. Without three soft-headed Republicans in the Senate, the bill would wind up in the trash can of history where it belongs.

The Geithner plan got a big raspberry today. As this is written, the market is down nearly 400 points. Geithner ought to be sent home to do his taxes using Turbo Tax.

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