Friday, December 21, 2007

Harry on the NewsHour

Harry Reid appeared tonight on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and lied, misrepresented and postured throughout the interview. He is the worst possible representative for Congressional Democrats, aside from Nancy Pelosi, because he can't speak without whining. To hear Harry tell it, everybody was out of step except him. If President Bush and Congressional Republicans had agreed with him and done what he wanted, there would have been no disputes and they would have gotten a lot done. At no point in the interview did Harry admit that he must compromise with Republicans in the new year if it is to be different from 2007. Harry believes that bipartisanship is where he gets his way and other people give him what he wants. This year has taught him nothing.

Nearly as bad as Harry was Mark Shields, who followed Harry with David Brooks. Shields sees 2007 the same way Harry Reid does. If it wasn't for President Bush and Congressional Republicans,  a lot of things would have gotten done. 

Shields loves Mike Huckabee -- he has done great beating those terrible other Republican candidates without any money. Most likely, Shields loves Huckabee because he'll be easier for Hillary or Obama to beat than Romney or McCain.

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