Thursday, December 20, 2007

Levey laments AMT fix

Democrat propagandist Noam Levey of the LAT reports today on the AMT fix that Congress voted yesterday, but clearly he's disappointed. The fix was available any time this year but Democrats refused to face the fact they had only a one vote margin in the Senate. So they stupidly kept sending up dead-on-arrival bills, wasting time, generating hard feelings and causing IRS to print millions of forms containing pre-fix rules. Besides which they caused a delay in re-programing IRS computers so that IRS will not be able to timely process tax returns that are filed early. IRS warned about this before Thanksgiving but arrogant Democrat congressional leaders paid no attention and instead kept on fantasizing about a miracle victory over Republicans.

It's been like that all year with Democrats -- thinking they could force things they didn't have the votes to force. Repeating the same mistake and expecting a different result each time suggests at least a mental disability if not insanity.

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