Monday, December 10, 2007

Levey on the AMT

Democrat propagandist Noam Levey has apparently become the LAT's AMT expert, for he writes a Q&A on the subject in today's newspaper. It's a non-technical Q&A, as might be expected, but it also is a pro-Democrat one, as might be expected.

Levey describes Republicans as "fiercely" resisting Democrat efforts to raise taxes on some people to give a tax break to others. The "others" that the Democrats have targeted are people who probably vote Republican, but Levey doesn't acknowledge that.

Levey seems to think it's OK to raise taxes on one group of taxpayers in order to give a tax break to a different group. He justifies that by arguing that the targeted group are wealthy and, in his opinion, pay too little. If you were a member of that group, how would you feel about that?

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