Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fingar your agency

Today, in a piece by Greg Miller, the LAT introduces Thomas Fingar, analyst-in-chief for U.S. intelligence . Fingar is a former State Department analyst whose latest product was the intelligence report on Iran that was published five months ago. That report concluded that Iran had halted nuclear weapons work in 2003. A footnote, however, clarified that Iran had only stopped warhead design work, not the effort to enrich uranium, which is more challenging. Presentation of the report in that form (with the more revealing information presented in a footnote) suggests that the report was designed to mislead.

1 comment:


Good post. I am monitoring this stuff too. Have you heard of my
project about POLAR CITIES for survivors of global warming? I figure
we might need them around 2500 or so, and I have written to Fingar
about this. of course, no reply. But i am sure the USA govt and other
govts are already planning their own polar cities for their own VIPs
and powerful families, leaving the rest of us out in the cold, well,
it won't be cold, it will be HOT. 500 years.

Wonder if you can take a look at my images, created by Deng Cheng Hong
in Taiwan, and Lovelock has seen them and approves of them and told me

Maybe you can blog one day on polar cities? Please do. Pro or con. I
am curious to know your POV on all this.

As for Fingar's testimoney, he did not mention POLAR CITIES at all,
but you can bet the Homeland Sec dept already has plans in place for
polar cities in Alaska -- Juneau, Fairbanks, Anchroage, Nome....

Email me offline if want to chat: this is now my life's work. DANNY
BLOOM, Tufts 1971
Danny Bloom | Homepage | 06.29.08 - 2:32 am | #
