Wednesday, May 28, 2008

LAT: People who oppose same-sex marriage are bigots.

That's the argument the LAT makes in an editorial today. Some county clerks in California are allowing employees who oppose same-sex marriage on religious grounds to opt out of performing them, and the LAT objects. We've long allowed conscientious objectors to opt out -- of serving in the military, for example. But that shouldn't be allowed in connection with same-sex marriages, according to the LAT. People need to do their jobs and keep their opinions to themselves, says the LAT.

If it were a cause the LAT opposed -- say licensing hunters to thin heards of goats to rectify an overpopulation problem or authorizing drilling in ANWAR to raise the supply of domestically- produced crude oil -- the LAT would, most likely, favor permitting conscientious objectors to opt out.

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