Friday, May 16, 2008

Noonan's depression

Columnist Peggy Noonan effectively buries the Republican Party today, in her own mind. Gloom and doom is what she sees. Republicans will lose big in November. Obama's signs are everywhere. Bush is at fault, a familiar refrain in her columns.

But Obama is a flawed candidate, as Hillary would be if nominated. McCain has his problems but Obama has more. Surely it isn't necessary to say what they are: He's an empty suit. No experience in a big job. Specializes in platitudes. Leftist voting record. No accomplishments in the Senate. Liberal ideas. Wants more government in citizens' lives. Weak foreign affairs credentials. No military credentials. But he's good with black voters.

So far as Republicans generally are concerned, they need to quit wallowing in self-pity, dump the negativity propagated by Noonan and her sympathizers, get busy promoting their brand.

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