Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All hands on deck at the LAT

All hands must have been called on deck at the LAT when preparing for today's edition. Their purpose: To trash Sarah Palin and bring down her nomination. Tom Hamburger, Richard Simon, Janet Hook, Peter Wallsten, Doyle McManus, Dan Morain, Mark Barabak, Maeve Reston, Michael Finnegan, Mary McNamara and James Rainey all pitched in with something to say about Palin, her husband or her daughter Bristol, most of it negative. The LAT seems panicked by the possibility that she might help elect John McCain. 

The piece by Rainey was the most slimey. He acknowledged that families should be off limits in political campaigns but mentioned Bristol's pregnancy several times. Here's an especially offensive portion of his piece.

"I personally don't need to know a lot about Bristol and her hockey-playing, salmon-fishing, snowboarding beau, Levi. So the kids got a little crazy and Alaska will be populated by one more premature hockey mom.

"I'm willing to wait for the People magazine photo spread of the new family, when the youngster delivers her 'blessed' bundle, as the evangelicals are saying, into the world."

This is reporting, LAT style.

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