Friday, September 19, 2008

Palin hit piece on LAT front page

One of the reporters that the LAT sent to Alaska to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin -- how many have they sent to Delaware to dig up dirt on Joe Biden? -- came through with a piece about a $26 million road on Gravina Island that the reporter calls the road to nowhere. The LAT put the piece on the front page. The reporter quotes several Palin opponents but fails to get any opposing views.

The piece has little significant news value. It's about a minor road that cost an insignificant amount of money built on a small unknown island a million miles from civilization -- well, maybe not a million. Unless the island is named Chappaquiddick it is of little interest to people in the lower 48. Why publish such a story? Obviously, to take a pitiful swipe at Sarah Palin.

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