Friday, September 26, 2008

LAT: Teenage girls have rights

The LAT argued yesterday that teenage girls have the right to kill their unborn babies without parental notification. They can't get a cavity filled or a tan in a tanning salon without parental approval but a serious procedure like an abortion is OK. That's the essence of the LAT argument.

Proposition 4 on the California ballot in November proposes to stop teenagers from getting abortions without parental notification but it contains plenty of ways to avoid notification.  For example, a teenager can escape the notification requirement by alleging parental abuse or fear of same.  

The LAT argues that Proposition 4 is just the latest attempt by anti-abortion forces to put restrictions on abortions. The LAT argues that the abuse escape valve wouldn't be effective because of the way the provision is written. Would the LAT support Proposition 4 if the abuse escape valve were re-written? Not likely. They oppose any restrictions on the right to an abortion, regardless of age or circumstances.

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