Monday, August 18, 2008

LAT: Bush foreign policy in tatters

The LAT reports this morning that Bush's foreign policy efforts of more than seven years have failed because of events in Georgia, Iraq and Afghanistan. More depressing, Georgia had seemed a Bush success story until the collapse, the LAT says. Bush's efforts in Palestine resulted in Hamas's takeover in Gaza.

Bush, of course, is responsible for the Russian invasion of Georgia. After all, he befriended Saakashvili, making him overconfident and causing him to stick a Georgian finger in Russia's eye. The same thing occurred in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Bush wasn't president then but he's still to blame. He should know that Russia can invade small countries in its sphere of influence whenever it gets irritated and those small countries should be advised to kow-tow to the Russians to keep them from getting upset. Fortunately, the LAT is still around to report such "news."

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