Saturday, August 9, 2008

LAT can't leave Plame affair

Like most other Democrats, the LAT is attached to the Plame affair like a crab's claw to a plump finger. Shake it all you want but the crab hangs on.

Democrats think there's justification for their fixation in there somewhere but a special counsel has pursued the case ad infinitum. There isn't anything significant that hasn't already been revealed.

The same applies to the U.S. attorneys firings, except that there has been no special counsel. Instead there have been endless Congressional investigations. Now, a federal district court judge has refused to provide a blanket exemption to Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten from testifying before Congress. But district court judges are often overruled by appellate courts.

The LAT says Congress and the administration should negotiate. It's a little late to suggest that. They've already negotiated. Democrats want a show trial and wont give up until they get one, or until the Supremes tell them to cease and desist.

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