Thursday, August 7, 2008

The LAT editorials wrong on two counts

Today's LAT includes an editorial lamenting the trial of Salim Ahmed Hamdan, Bin Laden's driver, by a military tribunal in Gitmo. The LAT argues that Hamdan should have been tried in civilian criminal courts, where he likely would have been found not guilty because he received no Miranda warning. The LAT says the military tribunal system is unfair, notwithstanding that Hamdan was found not guilty on one of two charges. The LAT editorial was doubtless written before Hamdan's sentence was decided. Given that Hamdan got only 5 1/2 years, will tommorrow's editorial say the trial was fair?

In the second editorial, the LAT argues that nuclear power is too dangerous to use. Besides, the LAT says, nuclear power plants take so long to build that John McCain's time table for building 45 new plants in 22 years can't be met. There are too many hoops to jump through, the LAT says. Well yes, because enviromaniacs put them there. Those hoops need to be lowered or eliminated.

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