Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama's makeover

Democratic Party presidential candidates seem always to need a makeover. Al Gore, for example, transformed himself from an over-confident, arrogant, know-it-all to a Casper Milktoast, nice-as-pie subservient and then to a confused candidate unsure about who he really was. John Kerry transformed himself from a naval officer to a war protester to a reporting-for-duty presidential candidate who tried to pass himself off as a war hero. Unfortunately, the three Purple Hearts he was awarded as a ticket out of Vietnam were all for wounds he received during a short period of time, none of which required his hospitalization.

Barack Obama has transformed himself from a high-minded intellectual to an angry Bush-McCain-Republican hater who makes the same tired arguments Democrats have made since McGovern -- that what this country needs is bigger government, higher taxes, more regulation of businesses, more social spending, abortion on demand, racial preferences and so on. Obama has added same-sex marriage.

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