Saturday, August 23, 2008

McCain's "blunder"

The LAT on Friday in a front page headline called McCain's response to the question about how many houses he and Cindy own a "blunder." It wasn't a serious subject. The answer wasn't wrong. How can it be a "blunder?" In the article, "blunder" was changed to "gaffe," which seems more appropriate.

The number of houses McCain owns isn't a political issue worth discussing. Besides, the ownership of the seven houses that the LAT says that the McCains own sounds complicated. First, they aren't all houses. Some are condominiums. Was the questioner asking about houses or homes or residences? Does form of ownership matter? Are houses owned by trusts to be included? Which trusts? Revocable trusts only or irrevocable trusts too? Are trusts in which either John or Cindy is merely a beneficiary to be included? Are houses owned by LLCs, partnerships, corporations or other entities to be included? Must those entities be controlled by either John or Cindy to be included? Perhaps John McCain was smart not to get into this thicket. 

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